My first class on making a garment. Naturally I started something for the oldest grandchild.
This sweater is called the Wonderful Wallaby, as you can see on the pattern. At this point I only had the hoodie left to knit. And while waiting for the next class I took a different class, and naturally it was to knit something for the next grandchild. But more about the Wonderful Wallaby, notice this pocket, it is what makes the whole thing so cute.
Mason didn't even care that it is 90 outside, he let us try it on for him. But they do say wool is also cooling. The Wallaby is only 50% wool, so it is machine washable. He is 18 months old, and the wallaby is a size 2. We determined he will be needing the next size well before the winter is over.
The warmth of the wallaby didn't keep Mason from going to his favorite place, the kitchen cabinets. This was his first time at the house in Rockwood and he needed to explore the place.
In the next class I learned to knit the "Surprise Jacket". It is called this because it looks like a mess while knitting, then you lay it out, and sew two short seams at the top of the sleeves and it is done. Just alot of increases and decreases throughout the whole pattern. Next time I make one of these I will photograph as I go so you can see it. The one below is now on Etsy, because it is too small for Noah. We determined it is a newborn through maybe 13 or 14 lbs. Noah weighs around 16 lbs, and it was just a little small. I also made one they said was for a one year old. We will see at what point it does fit Noah.
Just in case none of you have noticed, it is just about "FOOTBALL TIME IN TENNESSEE!!!!", and the radio is blasting it just that way. I have this sweater on my website and on Etsy, here, in hopes of a 'big orange fan' having a newborn in their family that they just have to have it for.

And then not to leave precious Noah out of this post just because his jacket didn't fit him, taken on Thursday, the day the orange and white did NOT fit him. As you can tell, he did not feel slighted in the least because the jacket his Granny knit for him did not fit, he is still beaming at me.